


James Hadfield
Japan Times
Mar 31, 2022
‘One Day, You Will Reach the Sea’: A haunting ode to those who couldn’t say goodbye
Yukino Kishii gives a controlled performance as a woman struggling to deal with the disappearance of a former friend in Ryutaro Nakagawa's drama.
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2022
How well do you know Japan's Oscar history?
Ryusuke Hamaguchi's “Drive My Car” is nominated in four categories at the 94th Academy Awards, but win or lose, the film joins an exclusive club for cinematic greats.
Japan Times
Mar 18, 2022
Eiko Ishibashi’s score sets the scene in Oscar-contender ‘Drive My Car’
The composer and musician's body of work spans from abstract art pop to experimental electronics, with her love for cinema serving as a major source of inspiration.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2022
‘Kappei’: The end can’t come soon enough
Even a perfectly cast Hideaki Ito can't save this limp, low-calorie comedy.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2022
‘Tamaran Hill’: A playful literary journey to get lost in
In Tadasuke Kotani's heartfelt adaptation of Senji Kuroi's short story, a young woman's exploration of Tokyo's hidden memories leads her down a path of self-discovery.
Japan Times
Mar 3, 2022
‘The Last 10 Years’: Keep a hanky handy for this weepy romance
Michihito Fujii's splashy terminal illness drama can't help succumbing to the usual genre tropes.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2022
‘Chronicle in the Ruins’: An intimate look at a family’s rise from the ashes
Masato and Maori Hara's documentary poignantly captures the weight of memory and loss by incorporating footage recovered in the aftermath of the fire that destroyed their family home.
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2022
‘The Takatsu River’: A homey hometown drama
Yoshinari Nishikori offers a relatively upbeat take on a well-worn story of a rural Japanese community in decline.
Feb 11, 2022
Oscars nod launches director Ryusuke Hamaguchi into the global spotlight
Ryusuke Hamaguchi landed four major Oscar nominations this week, a phenomenal achievement for a filmmaker who is still really just hitting his stride.
Japan Times
Feb 10, 2022
‘What to Do with the Dead Kaiju?’: Satoshi Miki’s inverted monster movie bites off more than it can chew
Satoshi Miki's disaster film about what happens after a monster attack sounds good on paper, but it's an almighty mess.
Japan Times
Jan 27, 2022
‘Pure Japanese’: Dean Fujioka’s passion project is a fascinating muddle
A typical genre-movie premise gets complicated in director Daishi Matsunaga's film about a stuntman living out his fantasies of old-school heroism.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2022
‘Missing’: Shinzo Katayama delivers a twisty thriller
Aoi Ito and Jiro Sato give standout performances in Shinzo Katayama's drama about a teenager trying to unravel the mystery of her father's sudden disappearance.
Japan Times
Jan 13, 2022
‘The Journalist’: A wake-up call that feels more like a lecture
Netflix's six-episode political drama series expands on Michihito Fujii's 2019 film of the same title, giving a detailed fictionalized account of a real-life scandal.
Japan Times
Jan 6, 2022
‘Haruhara-san’s Recorder’: A story of grief told with the lightest of brushstrokes
Kyoshi Sugita's resonant drama captures the process of mourning with restrained cinematography and subtle performances.
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2021
‘Underdogs’: It’s a colorful life in Manila’s underbelly
Tsuyoshi Kumeta's documentary captures the bustle and squalor of the capital of the Philippines as it follows four Japanese men living in the city's slums over the course of seven years.
Japan Times
Dec 16, 2021
‘Shrieking in the Rain’: Frothy fun, good for a night in
Eiji Uchida's lighthearted ode to 1980s moviemaking treads similar territory as “The Naked Director,” but instead focuses on the film industry from a female perspective.
Japan Times
Dec 9, 2021
‘What She Likes …’: LGBTQ drama gets stuck on stereotypes
Shogo Kusano's film about the relationship between a closeted gay teenager and a girl obsessed with homoerotic manga has its heart in the right place, but gets everything else wrong.
Japan Times
Dec 2, 2021
‘Minamata Mandala’: An unfinished battle for accountability
Documentary film director Kazuo Hara chronicles the ongoing struggles of Minamata disease victims to hold the state responsible in one of Japan's worst cases of industrial pollution.
Japan Times
CULTURE / TV & Streaming
Nov 25, 2021
‘Cowboy Bebop’: Live-action riff on beloved anime hits flat notes
John Cho turns out to be one of the best things in Netflix's good-looking but painfully square adaptation of the 1990s anime series about intergalactic bounty hunters.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Film / Wide Angle
Nov 13, 2021
TIFF and Tokyo Filmex shakeup gets conversations going
The 34th edition of Tokyo's annual film event marked the debut of a newly appointed programming director, an emphasis on female perspectives and the resurrection of the TIFF Times.


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?