Tag - europe



Japan Times
Feb 23, 2023
How Europe ditched Russian fossil fuels with spectacular speed
The transition has been painful, with Europeans getting hit by a roughly $1 trillion energy bill last year, only cushioned by government subsidies.
Japan Times
Feb 20, 2023
Sunak set for his biggest political test yet with Brexit deal
A solution to the impasse over the post-Brexit trading rules for Northern Ireland would enable the U.K. to reset relations with the EU.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2023
China succeeding in diplomatic push to win over Europe
A cold war between Beijing and Brussels will remain unlikely as the two do not compete ideologically or militarily like the U.S. and China.
Japan Times
Feb 18, 2023
European allies vow more support for Kyiv at security meet
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy opened the Munich Security Conference with an impassioned plea for allies to speed up support, arguing lives were at stake.
Japan Times
Feb 16, 2023
Sunak heads toward another Brexit cliff edge
A bill to scrap all EU laws retained in the U.K. at the end of the year risks more confusion and chaos.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2023
Moscow's gas ties with Europe, crafted over decades, lie in ruins
Russia's gas trade with Europe has been based on thousands of miles of pipes beginning in Siberia and stretching to Germany and beyond.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 11, 2023
Rishi Sunak is privately drafting plans to rebuild Britain’s ties with the EU
Driven in part by the fallout from Russia’s war in Ukraine, officials have been drafting proposals for how Britain can work more closely with EU nations across a range of policy areas.
Japan Times
Feb 10, 2023
How Finland, Sweden and NATO should deal with Turkey
NATO should wait until the Turkish elections pass in May. Then, if necessary, change the rules for membership.
Japan Times
Feb 10, 2023
Fighter planes for Ukraine mark a complex challenge for Kyiv's allies
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on allies Wednesday to provide his country with air power to combat the Russian invasion, in an historic address to the British parliament.
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2023
Zelenskyy takes pitch for weapons and EU membership to Brussels
Following a surprise visit to Washington in December, the trip was the Ukrainian leader's second-known time out of his country since the war began.
Japan Times
Feb 7, 2023
Eight-week wait for visas to Europe slows China’s reopening
China’s rapid dismantling of COVID-19 has led to complications at European embassies issuing visas to Chinese travelers.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2023
How Europe needs freight trains to cross Russia from China
Russia is at the center of a rail cargo route from China supplying Western arms manufacturers with a steady supply of rare metals used in modern weaponry.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 23, 2023
France and Germany seek to relaunch ties despite Ukraine strains
With pressure growing to supply Ukraine with highly regarded German Leopard tanks, Chancellor Olaf Scholz stopped short of any pledge, instead insisting all allies must work together.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2023
Latin American cocaine cartels bring violence to Europe
Some of continent's big ports like Antwerp and Rotterdam have been so riven by drug violence that democracy itself has been threatened.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2023
Amid mounting frustration with Germany, Ukraine holds out hope it will get tanks
While Germany has not yet made a decision on whether to send Leopard 2s to Ukraine, a Kyiv official said his country’s soldiers would begin training on them.
Japan Times
Jan 21, 2023
Allies fail to agree on heavy tanks sought by Ukraine
U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also said Ukraine was expected to mount an attack against dug-in Russian troops in the coming weeks.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2023
Europe is winning the winter war by sheer luck
Gas supplies are ample even if cold weather returns in force. The bad news is that it means climate change is still happening.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2023
At wartime Davos forum, calls for European unity are eased by relief
“Our energy supply for this winter is secure,” Germany’s chancellor declared as government and business leaders gathered at the World Economic Forum.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal / FOCUS
Jan 16, 2023
The drug mules carrying Europe's cocaine in their guts
More than a sixth of the cocaine consumed in France is smuggled inside the bodies of drug mules from its poverty-stricken South American region of Guiana.
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2023
Japan looks beyond U.S. alliance for help to deter China military
Yet Japan's deepening unease about the dangers in its neighborhood has prompted a fresh push to build a bulwark of other partnerships.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan