Tag - expats



Japan Times
Sep 5, 2022
Nigerian middle class heads for exit as problems mount in the country
Anecdotal evidence suggests that among the middle classes, emigration has spiked, fueled by a slumping currency, worsening insecurity, spiraling inflation and corruption.
Japan Times
Sep 5, 2022
Will the Supreme Court come to rescue of U.S. expats?
The U.S. is unique in tormenting its citizens abroad with tax obligations. But the U.S. Supreme Court could show mercy.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Aug 31, 2022
Justice Ministry seeks ¥27 billion to support foreign residents
The ministry plans to expand consultation services for foreign nationalsu00a0as the number of arrivals is expected to increase due to relaxed border controls.
Japan Times
Aug 3, 2022
As borders slowly reopen, a familiar question returns: Why did you come to Japan?
After years of delays, new arrivals to Japan talk about what stopped them from giving up on their dream of coming here.
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2022
20,000 foreign nationals in Japan only completed elementary school, census shows
In response, the education ministry is pushing to establish more night schools teaching the country's junior high curriculum.
Japan Times
Jun 8, 2022
Tokyo drops to fifth on list of world’s most expensive cities for expats
Japanese cities all fell down the ranks due to the yen's weakening, while Chinese cities rose on a stronger yuan.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2022
QLOVE: ‘Your authenticity is your power’
When Chloe Douglas and Reyna Marquez came to Japan they felt the LGBTQ scene was more segregated than what they were used to. Their answer? Uniting these scenes through QLOVE.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2022
Japan allows visits by extended family, fiances and common-law partners
Those in a relationship with a resident of Japan equivalent to a relative, such as a fiance, will be required to provide proof of their relationship, such as an engagement certificate.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Explainer
May 27, 2022
As Japan’s borders creak open, who can enter now?
With the nation reopening little by little — a limited number of tourists have already arrived on package tour trials — it's difficult to keep track of who is allowed in and who isn't.
Japan Times
May 2, 2022
Rugby tournament hopes to help kids in need and support mental health services
With pandemic conditions relaxed somewhat compared to last year, participants hope to make a difference through rugby.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2022
Teaching neglected children the skills they need for life at YouMeWe
After playing Santa Claus one day in 2007 and giving presents to orphans, Michael Clemons has devoted himself to giving even more.
Japan Times
Apr 21, 2022
Disaster-focused pictograms bringing clarity during crises in Japan
So far, the diagrams have been installed at more than 300 locations by fire departments, hospitals and commercial facilities in 29 prefectures.
Japan Times
Apr 10, 2022
Some 63% of people with foreign roots in Japan questioned by police
Over two-thirds of the people who were questioned by police officers in the survey of foreign residents said there was no reason for being treated with suspicion.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2022
Japan had fewer foreign residents in 2021 amid COVID border controls
The number stood at 2,760,635, marking the second yearly decline, with that of technical interns and international students dropping 27.0% and 26.0%, respectively.
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2022
Center helps non-Japanese kids tackle the obstacles of getting into a Japanese high school
From testing to etiquette, new arrivals to Japan face linguistic and cultural challenges when enrolling in high school in Japan.
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2022
Tears, relief and the 'smell of Ukraine': A daughter's reunion with her mother in Japan
“I don't have anything to fear now that I'm with my family,' Maria Dovbash, 71, said following an arduous seven-day journey to Tokyo from the war-torn Eastern European country.
Japan Times
Feb 7, 2022
Biankah Bailey: ‘Poetry speaks to the heart of society as it exists from moment to moment’
During Black History Month, writer Biankah Bailey has worked with the Tokyo Poetry Journal to produce 'Umoja,' a book featuring the work of Black creatives.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2022
A Tokyo restaurant becomes a base for expats from Myanmar to rally support for their homeland
Featuring cuisine from various regions of Myanmar, Spring Revolution Restaurant shows how united the country could be.
Japan Times
Jan 27, 2022
Expats head for the exit as 'easy' Singapore's COVID-19 controls bite
Atar Sandler arrived in Singapore in 2019, seizing the opportunity to live in a buzzing global city that is also a convenient base to jet off to more exotic locales nearby.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2022
Japan's COVID-19 entry ban spurs demonstrations around the world
Protests initiated by a group launched on Twitter began Tuesday, with foreign exchange students and business people barred from entering the country gathering at various locations.


The Japanese government updated its English education guidelines in 2017 to emphasize communication over grammar and memorization. Public school teachers are incredibly busy, however, which means schools haven’t been able to implement changes uniformly. Private and alternative schools are attempting to remedy this.
The language of opportunity: Bilingual education is on the rise in Japan