Regarding Joseph Jaworski's July 12 letter, "Nikon Corp. has rights, too": I fail to see how a corporation going back on its word and breaking its contracts amounts to "freedom of expression."

Far-right groups operate above the law in Japan, running protection rackets as well as intimidating businesses into banning movies and suppressing news stories and certain conferences. I'm sure that the freedom to cower before thugs is a freedom businesses could do without, along with the freedom to pay protection money.

Jaworski's quote of Thomas Jefferson is apt for the situation described above. Kudos to the Tokyo District Court for (ordering Nikon to let a South Korean photographer use its property for a controversial exhibition), for standing up to far-right groups, and for preventing the "sinful and tyrannical compulsion" those groups have inflicted on ordinary Japanese citizens.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

paul savage