Regarding the Nov. 11 article "Ozawa lashes out with scathing remarks on Christianity": I would have expected such misinformed statements from someone (in the Liberal Democratic Party). Now we see that things in the Democratic Party of Japan might not be any different.

What does DPJ secretary general Ichiro Ozawa know about Christianity and its various branches, many of which are neither "exclusive" nor "self-righteous"?

What does he know about Buddhism, for that matter? Japanese Buddhism has been both exclusive and self-righteous in its history, including supporting the colonization and oppression of Buddhist peoples all over Asia. And what could possibly be the basis for his judgment that "Islamism is somewhat better" (regarding exclusiveness)? The fact that he is trying to gather diplomatic influence with Islamic nations?

Yes, it is so clear that Western culture is "stuck at a dead end." Let's point to the European Union, which is in line to cut its carbon dioxide emissions as called for by the Kyoto Protocol — something Japan is proving quite unable to do. The EU is also trying to deal with immigration. Can we even talk about that here? I guess it's clear to Ozawa that Japanese culture is in the position to lead the world out of this dead end.

It's the same old doctrine of cultural narcissism and Japanese superiority that we've heard for years from the Liberal Democratic Party. Looks like the DPJ can't avoid it either. Ozawa should step down if he can't handle diplomacy.

mark meli