SYDNEY -- Now that the monsoon season is over, the huddled masses of Asia's worst conflict areas, notably Afghanistan and Iraq, are again looking abroad for refuge. As in past years, they see a big, empty island on the map and steer southeast. Unfortunately for them, the folks already here have other ideas.

Canberra has alerted its border patrol ships and aircraft. The navy will, hopefully, do a better job this year of humanely deterring would-be illegal arrivals than during the political fiascos of last year. However the border-alert season develops, every Australian is readying for another blast from the United Nations.

Already the opposition parties in Parliament are gearing up for another wonderful opportunity to humiliate the federal government. They are still feasting off the worldwide criticism of Canberra for its so-called harsh handling of last season's illegal immigrants, who are still locked in desert-bound, razor-wired detention camps. If, as expected, more boat people get through this year's net, the unfortunate arrivals will end up in the same desert stockades.