The extraordinary Diet session that convened last Friday is the first parliamentary sitting since the tripartite coalition administration of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi was launched about a month ago. The public's main concern is with what Mr. Obuchi is trying to accomplish under the expanded coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Liberal Party and New Komeito.

In his policy speech to both houses, the prime minister praised his new coalition, saying it represents the best way to implement "better policies" under a stable government, with like-minded parties working together for the common good of the people. Actually, however, he left the people wondering exactly where his coalition Cabinet will go from here.

The coalition government has a solid majority in both houses, but opinion polls show it does not necessarily enjoy as much public support. It has already suffered a number of setbacks -- the LDP defeat in the Upper House by-election in Nagano Prefecture, the resignation of parliamentary Vice Defense Minister Shingo Nishimura over improper statements, and the bribery conviction of former Cabinet Secretary Takao Fujinami.