Daiei Inc. plans to more than triple the number of graduating students it will hire to 400 in 2002, company officials said Friday.

The need to bolster the number has sprung partially from a labor shortage and a past downsizing program, under which it encouraged employees to leave in exchange for special retirement allowances, they said.

Demand for new workers has also emanated from a plan to open a new retail outlet in the 2002 business year, they said.

The supermarket chain hired 121 graduates in April.

Last business year, Daiei did not hire anyone, a sharp downswing from spring 1999, when the large retailer added 600 people.

Before Daiei puts the planned 400 on its regular payrolls in March, it will arrange for manpower agencies to provide 650 workers, who will be hired on a part-time basis by Feb. 28.

Daiei hopes to put the part-timers on regular payroll within a year after their recruitment, they added.