Team Ninja is alive and kicking

"Dead or Alive," Team Ninja's long-running fighting game series is back. The first "Dead or Alive" came out in 1996, wowing players with its then-slick graphics and tight fighting game mechanics. This latest entry shows just how far such games have come.

It may look like a more grown-up "Dead or Alive," but this sixth entry still delivers what longtime fans have come to expect. A big part of the game's appeal has always been its curvy female and brawny male characters. They are still there. This time, however, there's a more realistic focus on their fighting, with characters getting sweaty, bruised and scratched. "Dead or Alive 6" also introduces a character customization system, a first for the series, allowing players to dress characters in different outfits or have them wear specs or sunglasses. The game features two new characters, too: Diego, a tough street fighter who is ready to pound faces, and Nico, an 18-year-old "lightning technomancer" who can shock foes into submission.