Ibraham Quraishi
Conceptual artist, 33
If Bush wins, the basic policy in the Middle East will continue to be a non-policy and useless rhetoric. If Kerry wins, there just might be an impetus to find a multinational solution to the Iraq problem.

MC Novigo
MC, 31
I don't know who will win. Sure it will make a difference, but it's not Bush or Kerry, it's the guys behind the scene. If Kerry wins, he'll definitely change some stuff. Hopefully he'll pull out of Iraq. If Bush wins, he's going to have to check himself.

Hiro Inoue
Homeopathy, 33
I think Bush is going to win, unfortunately. Even though many people agree Bush is a bad guy, he's going to get in anyway. Why? It's a mystery. I don't know much about Kerry, so I can't comment on the difference in their policies.

Lane Hocking
Banker, 32
I think George Bush is going to win, but it's not going to make any difference. There's a trade deficit that's not going to go away. The Republicans borrow and the Democrats tax, but they both spend, spend spend.

Dennis Goh
Finance, 33
I also think Bush will win, not because I support him, but because the U.S. public tend to vote for who they can identify with. In terms of foreign policy, Kerry is a better consensus builder than Bush, but it's more or less a popularity contest.