As 2018 and the Year of the Dog arrive, we look back at what made headlines and, fitting in this age, lit up Facebook and Twitter in Asia in 2017. From the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's half-brother at a Malaysia airport to smog-filled Indian skies and a year-end U.S. presidential visit, the images were all too real.

Our 2017 selection draws from the concept of yin and yang — the Chinese philosophy of seemingly opposite but interdependent forces — as we upend tradition and name joint "winners" of Asia's bad to good.

In 2016, the Year of the Monkey, worst year went to the "U.S. pivot to Asia" as U.S. presidential candidates from Hillary Clinton to an ultimately victorious Donald Trump made clear that U.S. President Barack Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal would not stand. Best year went to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte for disrupting the state of affairs — for good and for bad — at home and abroad.