UNITED NATIONS — Reform and redesign of the U.N. Security Council has long been on the diplomatic drawing boards. Few countries will argue against the necessity for that, but most balk at the specific details.

So when U.S. President Barack Obama descended upon New Delhi on an official visit earlier this month and told a joint session of Parliament that the United States supports India's long-running aspiration to gain a permanent place at the green velvet table, hopes soared as high as the Himalayas.

With his princely entourage of political advisers, prominent businessmen and a splendiferous aircraft and limousine retinue worthy of a latter day maharaja, President Obama visited India to praise the merits of free trade, free markets and nonsectarian democracy. Included in his political basket was the golden gift of America's support for India's role on the Security Council, the decision-making forum for maintaining international peace and security.