It has been difficult watching the footage that has been coming out of Afghanistan. The 撤退 (tettai, withdrawal) of U.S. forces saw the タリバン (Tariban, Taliban) quickly come to power, which left many アフガン人 (Afugan-jin, Afghans) feeling lost and scared.

One former Afghan policeman told Reuters about his worries for the future.

「路頭に迷っている。身の安全を図り、生き残り、家族を救わなければならない。まず何を考えればいいのかも分からない」 (Rotō ni mayotte-iru. Mi no anzen o hakari, ikinokori, kazoku o sukuwanakereba naranai. Mazu nani o kangaereba ii no kamo wakaranai, I’ve lost my livelihood. I have to find safety, survive and save my family. I don’t even know what to start thinking about first), he said.