Sample newspaper article




Words and phrases

宮崎駿 (みやざきはやお) Hayao Miyazaki

監督 (かんとく) director

アニメーション映画 (あにめーしょんえいが) animated film

「風の谷のナウシカ」 ("かぜのたにのなうしか") "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind"

歌舞伎 (かぶき) kabuki

舞台化される (ぶたいかされる) to be adapted for stage

分かる (わかる) to understand, to become known [it was revealed]

歌舞伎俳優 (かぶきはいゆう) kabuki actor

尾上菊之助 (おのえきくのすけ) Onoe Kikunosuke

中村七之助 (なかむらしちのすけ) Nakamura Shichinosuke

出演する (しゅつえんする) to appear on stage

12月 (じゅうにがつ) December

新橋演舞場 (しんばしえんぶじょう) Shimbashi Enbujo [Theater]

上演する (じょうえんする) to perform

作品 (さくひん) work

~になる to become~

初めて (はじめて) the first

公開 (こうかい) release

産業文明 (さんぎょうぶんめい) industrial civilization

環境破壊 (かんきょうはかい) environmental destruction

~をテーマにする (~をてーまにする) with ~ as its theme

物語 (ものがたり) story

代表作 (だいひょうさく) most important work

~の一つ (~のひとつ) one of ~

~によると according to ~

発案する (はつあんする) to suggest

主人公 (しゅじんこう) protagonist

役 (やく) role

皇女 (こうじょ) princess

務める (つとめる) to play

他に (ほかに) others

尾上松也 (おのえまつや) Onoe Matsuya

坂東巳之助 (ばんどうみのすけ) Bando Minosuke

尾上右近 (おのえうこん) Onoe Ukon

~という it is said that~

Quick questions

1) 宮崎駿監督の作品の中で、歌舞伎になったものはいくつありますか。

2) 「風の谷のナウシカ」の物語のテーマは何ですか。

3) 「風の谷のナウシカ」の歌舞伎での舞台化は誰の発案ですか。


Director Hayao Miyazaki's animated film "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" will be adapted for the kabuki stage, it was revealed on the 12th. Kabuki actors Onoe Kikunosuke and Nakamura Shichinosuke are among those set to appear on stage for the performance at Shimbashi Enbujo Theater in Tokyo in December. It will be the first of Miyazaki's works to be turned into kabuki.

"Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" was released in 1984. With themes of industrial civilization and environmental destruction, the story is one of the director's most important works.

According to Shimbashi Enbujo Theater, it was Kikunosuke who suggested the kabuki adaptation. Kikunosuke will play the protagonist, Nausicaa, while Shichinosuke will play the role of Princess Kushana. Others said to appear on the stage include Onoe Matsuya, Bando Minosuke and Onoe Ukon.


1) Among Miyazaki's works, how many have become kabuki?


Not one. "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" will be the first.

2) What themes are in the story of "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind"?


Industrial civilization and environmental destruction.

3) Whose suggestion was it to adapt "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" for a kabuki stage?


Kabuki actor Onoe Kikunosuke.