You probably know the type: lonely, maybe even a little antisocial and more comfortable talking to cats than people.

Saori (Erika Sawajiri), the reclusive heroine of "The Cat in Their Arms," certainly fits the bill. A former pop idol who has consigned herself to the anonymity of a rural supermarket, when she isn't manning the cash register or singing alone at a local karaoke parlor, she's off in the storeroom to have a good natter with a handsome Russian Blue called Yoshio.

Saori's four-legged friend isn't merely a good listener: He's convinced that he's a person too (even the kanji characters for his name literally translate as "good man"). In most of his scenes, he's played by Ryo Yoshizawa, who makes a surprisingly convincing puss without recourse to animal ears, makeup or CGI.