Hiroshi Yamaguchi of the group Heat Wave looks like any other worker at his manager's office. He sits at a desk, busily working away on a computer. After a few words, however, it's clear he could never be just any other worker. "I hate it here," he half confesses, half jokes. "I've never had to come to an office before. You know, I can't belong to anyone or anything."

Yamaguchi explained he's only there temporarily to write a diary/essay-style book on his latest trip to Donegal, Ireland, and the story of the recording of his new album, "Hibi Naru Chokkan," and needs to be in earshot of his editor.

He describes himself as a "struggling, nowhere man," "Nowhere Man" also being the title of Heat Wave's latest single. Being something of an outsider, his music is passionate, gutsy, charismatic and honest. He plays his brand of potent folk rock with a conviction all too rare in the Japanese music world.