Nick Kwan
Accountant, 28
Sport is based on skill and competition, not race. It should be an international forum where people of all races can compete together. If you want to be homogenous and one-eyed, then you won't improve.

David Pham
Business Analyst, 29
Japanese are disadvantaged by playing only among themselves because so much of a part of sport is the strategic and tactical element. If you don't expose yourself to other ways of playing then you cannot grow, grasshopper.

Susan Oehler
Ethnomusicologist, 35
If you look at sports as a whole system and who may become an Olympic star, then it's people's access to resources like top nutritionalists and advisers that is important, not race.

Anastasia Congdon
Architect, 33
Full participation makes competition more healthy and ultimately the Olympics is an international competition anyway. If it's a sport like sumo with a code that goes along with it, then maybe there's an essence that they're trying to preserve, like an art form.

Kelly Biernaski
IT Manager, 31
Japanese aren't at a disadvantage. Their baseball pitchers are incredible, but they are weaker in strategy in, say, soccer. Including foreigners means that you expose yourself to new ideas which will make your play stronger.

Yuka Abe
Recruitment Industry, 32
In sports where foreigners have a physical advantage, it's better not to include them. That said, the rules are also there because Japanese aren't used to including foreigners in everything.