Tag - aging



Japan Times
May 28, 2018
Development of beneficial AI holds key to creating a better society: expert
Whether you love or hate it, artificial intelligence is here to stay.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
May 21, 2018
Need for nursing care to surge 22% to 7.7 million by 2025: projection
The number of people 65 or older expected to require nursing care is projected to grow by more than a fifth by fiscal 2025 to about 7.7 million, a tally based on prefectural data shows.
Japan Times
May 15, 2018
Regional banks fight for inheritance to ensure their survival
Where there's a will, there's a way. That's what banks across Japan are counting on as they try to keep hold of the ¥50 trillion in wealth left by their customers each year when they die.
Japan Times
May 11, 2018
'This is taking an awfully long time!' says scientist before assisted suicide
A 104-year-old Australian scientist killed himself in Switzerland on Thursday by lethal injection in an assisted suicide he hoped would trigger more lenient euthanasia laws in his home country.
Japan Times
Apr 16, 2018
In rapidly aging South Korea, elderly find escape from anxiety in visits to discos
A discotheque hidden among the back alleys of eastern Seoul is packed with hundreds of gray-haired couples on a Monday afternoon, dancing to local hits from the 1960s in a basketball court-size hall.
Mar 30, 2018
The spreading recovery in land prices
The welcome development can be sustained through strong government support and guidance.
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2018
The elderly are dominating Japan's fitness clubs
Japanese gyms are almost totally monopolized by people of middle and advanced ages, especially those over 65, and have become indispensable arenas for their socializing.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Mar 10, 2018
Nursing care abuse targeting seniors climbs 11% to new record
A record of 452 cases of nursing home abuse involving the elderly were reported in fiscal 2016, rising 10.8 percent from the previous year and completing a decade-long climb, according to a welfare ministry survey.
Mar 4, 2018
Prefectures, cities to spend heavily on disaster mitigation in fiscal 2018
A total of 58 prefectural and municipal governments across the nation plan to spend a collective ¥268.4 billion on projects to bolster infrastructure against natural disasters in fiscal 2018 amid central government threats of reduced subsidies, a tally found.
Mar 2, 2018
Aussie swimmer nearing 100 sets world record at Commonwealth trials
Australian George Corones, who will celebrate his 100th birthday next month, shaved a good chunk of time off the 50 meters long course freestyle world record for his age group at this week's Commonwealth Games trials.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2018
Record number of seniors gave up driver's licenses in 2017: NPA
More seniors are giving up their licenses as the government makes renewing and maintaining them harder to do in the face of rising traffic accidents.
Feb 23, 2018
Make it easier for elderly people to keep working
If the government wants elderly people to remain in the workforce longer, it must remove obstacles that stand in their way.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Feb 23, 2018
Survey shows end-of-life care planning still limited in Japan
A majority of people in Japan favor making formal plans about the health care they would like to receive at the end of their lives, but only a small proportion have actually done so, a health ministry survey showed Friday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Feb 13, 2018
April 1 marks start of Japan's new medical fees and processes
The new medical prices are out.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional voices: Chubu
Feb 12, 2018
Mie and Gifu take delivery of Mobile Pharmacy vehicles to improve medical provision in the wake of natural disasters
Demonstrations were held last week allowing residents in the city of Tsu, Mie Prefecture, to explore new mobile pharmacy vans delivered to the prefecture at the end of 2017.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Feb 8, 2018
Bat's surprising genetic trait holds secrets to longevity
Bats are the longest-living mammals relative to body size, and a species called the greater mouse-eared bat lives especially long. Researchers now have unlocked some of this bat's longevity secrets, with hints for fighting the effects of aging in people.
Jan 29, 2018
Japan's rural regions turn to 'sharing economy' to offer residents valuable services
Business practices collectively known as the "sharing economy" are offering new ways for local and prefectural governments to address problems such as aging populations and scarce job opportunities.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2018
Japan's convenience store sales slipped 0.3% in 2017
Convenience store sales nationwide fell 0.3 percent in 2017 on a same-store basis to ¥9.47 trillion, due partly to intensified competition with other retailers, according to an industry body.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Jan 16, 2018
Growing old alone: Japan's men are facing harsh times ahead
An increasing number of people in Japan are living alone, and a lot of them are men with flimsy ties to their community.
JAPAN / Society
Jan 13, 2018
Going it alone: Solo dwellers will account for 40% of Japan's households by 2040, forecast says
A national research institute predicts singles will make up nearly 40 percent of Japan's households by 2040 as marriage declines and divorce continues to rise.


The Japanese government updated its English education guidelines in 2017 to emphasize communication over grammar and memorization. Public school teachers are incredibly busy, however, which means schools haven’t been able to implement changes uniformly. Private and alternative schools are attempting to remedy this.
The language of opportunity: Bilingual education is on the rise in Japan