Tag - aging-3



Japan Times
Feb 2, 2023
‘Tea Friends’: Sex positivity for the older crowd
Bunji Sotoyama’s film about a call girl service for senior citizens is elevated by its frank depictions of elder sex.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Longform
Jan 30, 2023
Reining in Japan’s unstoppable urban sprawl
The world’s most rapidly aging nation wants its shrinking population to concentrate in regional urban centers. However, things aren't going as planned.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 24, 2023
How long can a healthy human live?
The death of the world's oldest person at the age of 118 has reignited a debate that has divided scientists for centuries: Is there a limit to the lifespan of a healthy person?
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2023
A shrinking, aging China may have backed itself into a corner
Mounting population pressures may reveal a government that has not done enough to avoid tough choices in coming decades.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / World / The Year Ahead
Jan 9, 2023
Bracing for the silver tsunami
Low fertility rates — in the absence of increased immigration — will reduce the working-age population, in turn lowering household consumption and economic growth.
Japan Times
Jan 8, 2023
As Asian societies age, ‘retirement’ just means more work
Across East Asia, populations are graying faster than anywhere else in the world, and while younger generations shrink, older workers are often toiling well into their 70s and beyond.
Japan Times
Jan 6, 2023
Japan’s business owners can’t find successors. This man gave his away.
Nearly 60% of the country's businesses report that they have no plan for their future ownership.
Japan Times
Dec 28, 2022
India’s looming demographic divide
As it prepares to overtake China as the world's most populous country, India is struggling to harness the economic benefits of its declining mortality and fertility rates.
Japan Times
Dec 24, 2022
Men from Shiga and women from Okayama top Japan life expectancy
At the other end of the rankings, Aomori Prefecture was at the bottom of the longevity list for both men and women, at 79.27 years and 86.33 years, respectively.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society / Longform
Dec 19, 2022
Downsizing death: Japan's funeral industry at a crossroads
The death care business is rethinking the services it offers in response to soaring bookings and sagging revenue in a rapidly aging nation
Japan Times
Dec 14, 2022
China’s activist shortage
Because of China's one-child policy and age demographics, even as protests roiled cities across the nation, no one should expect a sustained push for democratization.
Japan Times
Dec 9, 2022
Almost everyone is about to get a year younger in South Korea
The bill passed by the National Assembly on Thursday would scrap the country's widely used 'Korean age” counting standard, which typically added a year or even two to a person's age.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Nov 29, 2022
Eisai and Biogen plunge after report of second death in Alzheimer’s trial
The case involved a 65-year-old woman who died of a massive brain hemorrhage after suffering a stroke and a type of brain swelling and bleeding in an Eisai trial, a report said.
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2022
South Korean central bank governor warns against Japan-like stimulus
The country should instead embark on long-delayed structural reforms, central bank Gov. Rhee Chang-yong said.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Nov 24, 2022
China’s grandparents are done babysitting and ready to go viral
Rapping grannies, crooning 70-year-olds and gamers in their 80s are challenging traditional Chinese views about aging and what it means to have a long and happy life.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 21, 2022
As Biden turns 80, Americans ask, 'What's too old?'
With Biden already the oldest person to serve as president, the 2024 race for the White House is shaping up to be uncharted territory for the United States.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?