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Mar 17, 1999

Sacred road maps to paradise

JAPANESE MANDALAS: Representations of Sacred Geography by Elizabeth ten Grotenhuis. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1999. Pp. 228; color plates 22; b/w illustrations, 104. $52.00 (cloth); $29.95 (paper). The mandala has been defined (by Toga no Shozui) as "a symmetrically arranged symbolic diagram...
Mar 17, 1999

Ties to China unearthed from Yoshinogari ruins

KANZAKI, Saga Pref. -- Ever since their discovery was first announced in 1989, the Yoshinogari ruins, widely recognized in Japan as one of the oldest-known communities surrounded by moats, have been providing visitors information about ancient Japanese society.
Mar 13, 1999

Eclectic pottery expands margins

Jun Kawaguchi is one of the funkiest, coolest ceramic artists I've ever met. The first time I met him I was taken aback, to say the least, by his short, spiked hair, green velvet jacket, and a pair of slacks with cartoon designs that looked like the Joker -- not your typical shibui Japanese potter.
Mar 13, 1999

Keeping the U.S. honest

LONDON -- Americans...Don't you just love to hate them? They preach to you about the virtues of an open trading system and then they slap a bizarre set of sanctions on trade rivals before the World Trade Organization makes its report. They lecture the world about the virtues of the rule of law and when...
Mar 12, 1999

Slovak ambassador praises yen loans

The new ambassador of the Slovak Republic hopes that Japan will help his country shift from a centrally planned socialist economy to a democratic, market-oriented industrial economy.
Mar 9, 1999

A love affair with the elephant

THE ELEPHANT IN THAI LIFE AND LEGEND, main text by William Warren, main photography by Pin Amranand. Bangkok: Monsoon Editions, 249 pp., 1,495 baht. William Warren has written the texts of a number of illustrated books: "Legendary Thailand," "Thai Style," "The Chao Phraya River" and "Thai Garden Style."...
Mar 8, 1999

Groups seek to help victims of violence

Staff writer
Mar 3, 1999

Toilet humor is only natural, no instructions necessary

Come on. Admit it. Toilets are funny.
Feb 25, 1999

Parents and kids reflect upon road somewhat less traveled

Now that our four children can no longer be counted among the very young, we have the time and energy for reflection.
Feb 21, 1999

Alley offers old fashioned swig and chat

While Tomomi Kahala hopefuls battle their way across Shibuya's Hachiko crossing to the nearest karaoke bar, those looking for a bit of live entertainment and a huge dollop of good-humored banter head straight for a cluster of rickety wooden watering holes that time seems to have forgotten.
Feb 17, 1999

The true meaning of the dioxin scare

Nose, a small town on the northern outskirts of Osaka, first put the fear of dioxin into nation's consciousness last year. Now, just 10 months later, another dioxin scare has hit the headlines. This time, the site is Tokorozawa, the Saitama bedroom community on the northwestern outskirts of Tokyo. The...
Jan 29, 1999

H.I.S. makes foray into securities business

Hideo Sawada, president of major discount travel agent H.I.S. Co., purchased a majority stake of Kyoritsu Securities Co., a midsize brokerage affiliated with now-defunct Yamaichi Securities Co., increasing its presence in the financial sector, it was announced Friday.
Jan 20, 1999

Fuhonsen currency said prompted by Tang threat

The threat posed by China's Tang dynasty prompted Japan to boost the state's economic strength by minting its first coins in the late seventh century, earlier than previously believed, according to an archaeologist at a national research institute.
Dec 31, 1998

Century of Change: Plebiscites reshape political process

Staff writer
Dec 16, 1998

Three U.S. scientists win Japan Prize

Three scientists from the United States who have contributed to the fields of information technology and life sciences have won the 1999 Japan Prize, its selection committee announced Wednesday.
Nov 25, 1998

Prejudice evident in house hunting, foreigners' panel says

Although many apartments remain vacant during the prolonged recession, foreign residents in Tokyo are still finding it extremely difficult to rent accommodations, participants of a foreign residents' advisory panel to the Tokyo governor said Wednesday.
Oct 8, 1998

Leaders sign wide-ranging action plan

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and South Korean President Kim Dae Jung signed during their summit meeting Thursday a 43-point joint action plan aimed at enhancing ties toward the next century.The paper covered a wide range of topics for the two countries to pursue together and covered five major areas...
Sep 14, 1998

U.N. campus to offer international courses

United Nations University will offer international courses starting in February for university graduates and postgraduates, university officials in Tokyo said Monday.
Sep 9, 1998

Saudi prince's visit may focus on oil-drilling rights

Staff writer
Sep 7, 1998

Kurosawa to receive special award

Film director Akira Kurosawa, who died Sunday, will posthumously receive the People's Honor Award in recognition of his lifetime work, the top government spokesman said Monday.
Aug 21, 1998

Kyoto 'machiya' open to gain public support

KYOTO -- Five "machiya," or traditional wooden houses, in central Kyoto were opened to the public Friday in an effort to gain public appreciation for their preservation.
Jul 17, 1998

Business association calls for radical government reforms

Staff writer
Jul 9, 1998

Five artists win Praemium Imperiale

The Japan Art Association announced the five winners of the 10th Praemium Imperiale awards Thursday in the Prinzregententheater in Munich, Germany.
Jun 30, 1998

Enterprise Spirit: Secondhand-book vendor prices to sell

19th in a series of occasional articles on venture businesses
Jun 24, 1998

Election Equation: Leaders scarce amid 'seniority culture'

Seventh in a series
Jun 22, 1998

Global outlook reshaping U.S. education

Staff writer
Jun 19, 1998

German East Asiatic Society opens new center in Kobe

KOBE -- The Kobe center of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Naturund Volkenkunde Ostasiens, or German East Asiatic Society (OAG), opened Friday in Higashi-Nada Ward here at the former residence of a long-term German resident who donated his property to the organization.
Jun 1, 1998

Greek diplomat gains distinction

Outgoing Greek Ambassador George Sioris received several Japanese academic distinctions recently for his cultural activities.
May 21, 1998

Local Indonesian students rejoice at Suharto's resignation

Students from Indonesia expressed surprise and hope for the reform of their country following President Suharto's announcement of his resignation Thursday.
May 11, 1998

Mongolia-Japan partnership at focus of Bagabandi visit

Staff writer


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?