Elizabeth Handover explains that when in 1989 she was instrumental in helping establish the Tokyo Actors Repertory Company, she was undertaking a commitment. That was to promote women's theater, and to work toward bicultural understanding. With clear guiding principles, the company makes its presentations in both Japanese and English. It looks at cultural exchanges from the point of view of women. Elizabeth believes the venture has created a new genre of theater.

Elizabeth bestrides the cultures of England and Japan with the confidence of one who knows them both well. She acts, directs and presents with the aplomb of one who already has many years of varied dramatic experience. With the trilogy of plays called "Conversations in Time," she is now emerging as competent playwright.

She is originally a Londoner, who studied acting and modern dance at the Dartington Hall College of Arts. That institution, known for its liberal views and encouragement of free spirits, provided an ideal environment for Elizabeth's independence and ambition for innovation.