The ruling Liberal Democratic Party will discuss how to regulate noisy demonstrations and campaigns around the Diet building as well as those with racist rhetoric anywhere in the country, a project team formed to tackle the issues said at its first meeting Thursday.

"The present environment (for Diet members) is not suitable for work. We have to keep a work-friendly environment, which requires discussion without any fear of criticism," said Sanae Takaichi, chairperson of the LDP's Policy Research Council, at the meeting.

Police take action under a law restricting the use of loudspeakers around the Diet about once a year, a National Police Agency official said.

The team will also discuss whether a new law is required to bring hate speech under control with a view to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

"Cursing people from a particular country or ethnicity makes me ashamed as a Japanese," said Takaichi.

The U.N. Human Rights Committee urged Japan in July to ban activities that support hate speech against Korean residents in the country and fuel discrimination.