The HQ of Japan's current '60s revival is a small office above a Chinese restaurant next to Koenji Station in Tokyo. That's the office of Sazanami Label, a record company started in 2003 by the band Goggle-A. Having formed in 1994 and with four studio albums behind them, they are veterans of this burgeoning '60s scene.

"When we first moved into this office, we thought it was such a big place, but since things have taken off, we've got hardly any room to move in here. Look at all this stuff," says Noriko, Goggle-A's bassist, as she pours green tea at a large round table emblazoned with a black-and-white Sazanami logo.

Noriko's talking about the mountains of CDs Sazanami have piled up for distribution to record stores throughout Japan and the stacks of flyers and posters advertising upcoming events.