Valentine's Day is coming up, and once again, you may be wondering how to deal with it in Japan.

If you're a guy, it's easy: Do nothing at all and be showered with chocolates from girls. If you're a girl? No chocolate for you! But wait. We're smarter than that. And no, we don't hold out for the illusory "White Day" when men are supposed to return a gift to the ladies they received chocolate from. Guys can't even remember anniversaries, let alone White Day, which sounds more like your wedding day. Girls will make darn sure we end up with chocolate — by buying it for ourselves.

This is surely what is behind Japan's twisted version of Valentine's Day, where women give giri-choco (obligatory chocolate) to their male peers. They know that us women will buy just as much chocolate for ourselves as we would for any guy. Giri-choco? Bring it on — for me!