Tag - peter-brook



Japan Times
Dec 22, 2015
Plenty of food for thought in a good year for great plays
The year now ending began gloomily with the Charlie Hebdo murders in Paris reminding us of hopeless breakdowns in mutual understanding and tolerance worldwide; now it's set to close hot on the heels of an agreement by nearly 200 countries at the COP21 talks in Paris on the need to counter threatened apocalyptic levels of climate change due to global warming.
Japan Times
Mar 18, 2015
Unsung creator casts light on casting and her 'gift from heaven'
Ask any Japanese theater lover to list his or her favorite foreign directors, and most would include Peter Brook, the English-born, long-time French resident who has been bringing his productions here and encouraging audiences to explore new artistic realms since way back in 1973.
Japan Times
Feb 11, 2015
No-frills dramatist casts Japan in a different light
The title of Yudai Kamisato's new work "+51 Aviacíon, San Borja" references his grandmother's address in Lima and the international telephone dialling code of Peru — but that only hints at the unusually cosmopolitan background of this 32-year-old Japanese playwright and director who also has relatives in Okinawa, Hokkaido and the United States.
Japan Times
Jan 21, 2015
French triumph frees SPAC pioneer to be bolder still
Following on Olivier Py's comment in the accompanying story that "everybody" at last year's Avignon Festival loved Satoshi Miyagi's "Mahabharata — Nalacharitam," which Py, as the festival's director, had awarded the honor of opening the event, I rolled up to Shizuoka Performing Arts Center to find out how Miyagi, its artistic director, now views his production of that epic Sanskrit poem penned between 200 B.C. and A.D. 200 — and what he has focused on since.
Japan Times
Oct 29, 2014
High drama at Festival/Tokyo
News in March that 38-year-old Chiaki Soma had suddenly been removed from the post of program director of Festival/Tokyo, which she had held since it started in 2009, set many theater lovers worrying about the future of the flagship drama event whose stature at home and abroad had only grown with her at the helm.
Japan Times
Feb 12, 2014
Kushida's 'Flapper' comes roaring back
"Young people these days won't be too familiar with the term the Roaring Twenties, but the 1920s still hold interest as a period. It was a time of changing values, not only in the United States, but in Europe: Dadaism, Cubism, Expressionism and other non-mainstream arts were blossoming. All over the world, people were looking to find new things."
Japan Times
Oct 30, 2013
'The Suit' squares a love triangle
In his seminal 1968 work "The Empty Space," Peter Brook wrote: "Certainly, we still wish to capture in our arts the invisible currents that rule our lives, but our vision is now locked to the dark end of the spectrum. Today the theatre of doubting, of unease, of trouble, of alarm, seems truer than the theatre with a noble aim."


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