Regarding the June 4 editorial “An uphill battle to reverse the falling birthrate,” over five decades of ineffective, corrupt and self-serving government in Japan have earned this country the reputation of the nation that not only least wants to have children, but also the place where babies would least likely wish to be born.

Recently, Taro Aso proudly asserted that Japan's excellent culture had enabled it to withstand the first wave of the coronavirus successfully — so how does he reconcile taking praise for Japanese people's cultural excellence (for which he is the last person to deserve the credit with faulty and belated masks and hush money delegated to a fraudulent sub-contractor like Dentsu) when so many Japanese who should have been born never even get the chance to?

The simple truth is that Japanese people are so disillusioned with his party's pompous policies over half a century that they would rather live out their lives in a barren society than see their own children subjected to the same callous treatment that still pursues a neo-militaristic nuclear future — Abenomics has given new meaning to the term "nuclear family" as it now means existential self-implosion. The coronavirus has revealed not only yet more new political corruption but also the many years of failed policies that have outraged people so much.

David John

Dazaifu, Fukuoka Prefecture

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.