Regarding the Jan. 30 front-page article "Zushi looks to tame its unruly summer beach": The people of Zushi and city officials point out that young beachgoers are too wild and out of control. Huh?

They're just having some good old-fashioned summer fun. Under whose standards are they too unruly? That of an aging, conformist society? For crying out loud, it is 2014, not 1950.

Where I come from, we say: "Work hard, play hard." Young Japanese study hard. Young Japanese work hard and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives. So let them have a little fun. Unfortunately there are some here (and in Zushi) who wouldn't know real fun even if it smacked them in the face.

Not all beachgoers are troublemakers. It's too bad a few drunks, yakuza and U.S. service members have cast fun-loving beachgoers into a negative limelight recently.

I enjoy Zushi Beach. Like hundreds of others, I look forward to the beach-party scene there every summer. So let's not ban the barbecues, bikinis, loud music and dancing.

Cover up my body art (tattoos) while at Zushi Beach? No way! Let us engage in our chosen lifestyle as you do yours.

richard morris

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.