Russians and Americans like to emphasize similarities between their two nations: size, patriotism, the sense of a mission, a passion for casual dress and so forth. But in some ways, Russians and Americans live on two different planets. In spite of increased interaction, extensive travel and shared cultural space, quite often the two peoples gasp at each other's behavior, failing to understand its causes and rationale. Muscovites and New Yorkers may share a fascination with Princess Diana, Madonna, Viagra and Walt Disney, but they'll never see eye to eye on the most simple matters -- like how much ice to put in a drink (a typical Russian response would be: "No ice at all").

Americans cannot understand how a person cannot pay taxes to the government. Russians can hardly grasp the awesome role of a tax accountant. Americans do not see why Russians had to start a war in Chechnya. Russians wonder what makes Americans interfere in Kosovo.

One of the biggest issues in the United States -- gun control -- is precisely this type of thing. No Russian will ever understand how this can be an issue at all. Guns should never be sold to people. Period.