Tomomi Inada's resignation as defense minister ended a tenure that often made reporters wonder if her transgressions had more to do with ignorance than with incompetence. It would be wrong to associate her failures with her sex, though there were some in the media who harped on her fashion sense or supposed emotional instability as indications that she wasn't suitable for the job.

Inada didn't actively discourage these indications. In June, she addressed the second plenary session of the International Institute of Strategic Studies' Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, where she expressed in English how privileged she felt to "share the podium" with other defense ministers, namely Marise Payne of Australia and Sylvie Goulard of France, saying that "We belong to the same gender ... the same generation and, most importantly, we are all good looking."

As mentioned in a June 14 article in the Huffington Post, Mayumi Mori, the Asahi Shimbun Singapore correspondent, noted that Inada was obviously making a joke "to relieve tension," and that there were a few chuckles in the hall. The correspondent from Le Monde said the joke was in questionable taste. Regardless of Inada's qualifications for her lofty post, she didn't know how to read a room.