Over the past couple of weeks, limited-time summer flavors have been arriving in convenience stores in abundance and, as usual, each chain has developed its own signature taste. Family Mart is pushing watermelon frappes, while Mini Stop is going big on the melon. One certainly shan't be left wanting for fruity variety over the next couple of months.

Lawson may have the most intriguing offering so far, though. It has rolled out a mango and milk-flavored soft cream served in a hearty waffle cone. This ice cream (¥248 with tax included) arrived nationwide last Tuesday, and will be served up throughout summer alongside the store's usual assortment of seasonal soft cream offerings.

The mango soft cream delivers just what you'd expect: If you've had artificial mango treats before, you'll be familiar with the flavor from the outset.

Lawson's version succeeds in delivering plenty of sweetness without overdoing it, but the winning move is the choice of waffle cone that, besides allowing for an extended eating experience, also offers a nice complement to the fruitiness of the soft cream.