Sample newspaper article



SMAPのメンバーをめぐっては、2016年1月に木村さんを除く4人が事務所からの独立を検討していることが判明し、同年12月末に グループは解散。4人のメンバーの去就が 注目されていた。

事務所によると、3人から申し入れを受け、マネジメント業務を終了する。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

事務所 (じむしょ) office

6月18日 (ろくがつじゅうはちにち) June 18

昨年末 (さくねんまつ) end of last year

解散 (かいさん) break up

元 (もと) former

5人 (ごにん) five people

稲垣吾郎 (いながきごろう) Goro Inagaki

草なぎ剛 (くさなぎつよし) Tsuyoshi Kusanagi

香取慎吾 (かとりしんご) Shingo Katori

契約 (けいやく) contract

期間満了 (きかんまんりょう) term expiring

終了 (しゅうりょう) end

発表 (はっぴょう) announce

木村拓哉 (きむらたくや) Takuya Kimura

中居正広 (なかいまさひろ) Masahiro Nakai

続ける (つづける) continue

除く (のぞく) exclude

独立 (どくりつ) go independent

検討 (けんとう) consider

判明 (はんめい) reveal

同年 (どうねん) same year

去就 (きょしゅう) attitude

注目 (ちゅうもく) draw attention

申し入れ (もうしいれ) request

受け (うけ) receive

業務 (ぎょうむ) operation


1) SMAP は何人組のグループでしたか。

2) SMAPが解散したのはいつですか。

3) 解散前にどんなことが明らかになりましたか。

4) 元メンバー3人の契約が終了するのはいつですか。


Johnny & Associates announced June 18 that three former members of the pop idol group SMAP, which broke up at the end of last year, will leave the talent agency on Sept. 8, when their contract terms expire. The three former members are Goro Inagaki, 43, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, 42, and Shingo Katori, 40. Former members Takuya Kimura, 44, and Masahiro Nakai, 44, will retain their contract, the agency said.

SMAP broke up at the end of December 2016, after it was revealed in January the same year that four of its members, apart from Kimura, were considering leaving the agency. The actions of the four members were attracting attention.

The agency said that it was ending its management operations after the trio made a request to the agency.


1) How many members were in SMAP?


Five members.

2) When did SMAP break up?


The end of December 2016.

3) What was revealed before the group's breakup?


That members, with the exception of Takuya Kimura, were considering leaving their agency.

4) When will the three former members end their contract?


Sept. 8, when their contracts expire.