Toeko Tatsuno has been leading the field of abstract painting in Japan for more than 30 years with her colorful and emotionally charged works.

Toshio Shibata has garnered international acclaim for his photographs that bring unexpected beauty to Japanese civil-engineering projects.

As former classmates at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Tatsuno and Shibata have collaborated for this exhibition, which includes some of their most prominent works and focuses on how the two artists embody abstract ideas; till Oct. 22.

The National Art Center, Tokyo; (03) 5777-8600; 7-22-2, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo; Roppongi Station, Toei Oedo Line. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Fri. till 8 p.m.) ¥1,000. Closed Tue.