It's the time of year for heart-warming stories and Minorca, a canine cutie who was first featured here in January, is one of them.

Minorca has now found a home in Tokyo with Hiroyuki Tamakoshi and his wife, Michiko. Hiroyuki says he and his wife were grieving the death of their former dog and just when they thought they would never get over the loss, they met Minorca at an adoption fair.

"While spending time with the dogs at the fair and hearing their stories, I started to feel a connection," Hiroyuki recalls. "They had no homes. We had lost our canine family member. I thought maybe we could be happy together."

And so it was. Minorca joined their family. In the beginning, "Minorca was very nervous ... but these days she seeks our company and affection. We spend more time together as a family now and even go on jaunts just because we think Minorca may enjoy walking there," Hiroyuki says.

The long-legged Minorca has amazed her new family both with her incredible speed and her affectionate nature. "She's like an F1 racer," Hiroyuki says, but the most amazing thing "is how well she has strengthened the bonds of our family."

ARK has many more dogs and cats available for adoption. Email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more info. Tokyo ARK is an NPO founded by Briton Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Prospective owners are requested to undergo a screening process. For more information, visit