Atsuko Fukuda
Recently there have been some grim crimes, and I'm afraid Japan is changing for the worse. This is because the wealth gap is widening, and if you are poor it's difficult to change your situation.

Imma Romano
Teacher, 30 (Italian)
I think Japan is very safe. Any night of the week I can go out alone and come back home alone, even late at night. In Naples, where I am from, I cannot do that.

Ayako Masuda
Student, 22
People think Japan is safe because there are no guns, but that doesn't make it less dangerous than elsewhere. There are abnormal people in every country, so we shouldn't promote the "safety myth."

Takehisa Nakagawa
Hairdresser, 25
Japan is safe. It is slightly more dangerous because young people use the Internet too much and don't socialize. Some don't know what's real and what isn't.

Irene Navarro
Accounting, 26 (Canadian)
I feel safe, but it's all relative. For foreigners Japan is safe because most crime is done by Japanese to Japanese. There seems to be a lot of family violence, for example.

Forrest Payton
Teacher, 27 (Canadian)
Despite the news, Japan remains free of the "fear culture." They respond calmly and methodically to dangers. Here I feel confident that people will help each other.