Robert Hamilton
Instructor, 31
Yes, more or less. I go to the gym 3 times a week and I watch what I eat. If you don't watch out for your health, about my age issues will start creeping up on you.

Loren Shaw
Semi-conductors, 37
My health sucks. You run yourself down in Tokyo, it's too fast paced, too busy. On top of that it's polluted, although I take herbal vitamin supplements. I used to get seriously ill once in 4 weeks, but since I started 4 months ago I've rarely been sick.

Tim Heilmann
I.T., 35
Yes. I play tennis regularly and windsurf. I have to go to Enoshima to windsurf, because Odaiba is too dirty. I used to go cycling, but I don't have enough time. I'm healthy, but it takes effort.

Nathan Hosken
ALT, 30
I'm healthy enough. I eat my vegetables. I don't have health care, but I'm optimistic. I go skateboarding or run up the stairs on purpose. A healthy frame of mind is the most important thing.

Don Maddox
Real Estate, 32
No, I don't really think that I'm that healthy at the moment. I need to lose some weight. I think it's the food here in Japan, and the work schedule. I just can't seem to find enough time for exercise. But my wife says it's because I only eat meat.