Dear Reader,

You may have noticed a difference in the nameplate on our homepage: a new tagline.

The last time The Japan Times changed its tagline was in 1956. Since then, the paper has served readers under the motto “All the news without fear or favor.” It has been a proud identity of the newspaper for more than six decades, and was also a nod to Adolph S. Ochs’ “business statement” when he founded The New York Times in 1896.

However, the world — and the media landscape — is now vastly different. Asia has become front and center of world affairs, and yet democratic values in the region are increasingly under assault. The media industry is undergoing drastic change as its business model has been upended, and is only now embracing the positive aspects of digital disruption.

Clearly, it is time for change. As The Japan Times prepares for its 125th anniversary next year, we felt this was an opportunity for us to better project our identity and future vision to a broader audience.

We believe that The Japan Times — being based in one of Asia’s most robust democracies — has a duty to step up and provide independent journalism about Japan and the region, especially in an age where liberal democratic values are being challenged.

Such beliefs have led to our new motto: “The Independent Voice in Asia.”

It's a bold statement, but we want to aim higher than ever.

For another, as we strengthen our digital operations, The Japan Times will engage a more global audience in addition to our existing domestic readership.

Rest assured, we will maintain our focus on Japan. Even as we strive to broaden our journalism in Asia, The Japan Times will remain the most reliable source of news and information for the community it has served for more than a century.

The new tagline is our pledge to uphold the highest journalistic standards to serve and engage a more global audience. We wish for your continued support in our journey.