Tag - xi-jinping-u-s



Oct 12, 2014
Army paper says weaknesses in China military training won't win war
Weaknesses in China's military training pose a threat to the country's ability to fight and win a war, China's official military newspaper said Sunday.
Oct 11, 2014
China's new strongman Xi has a dream
President Xi Jinping is China's most authoritarian leader since Deng Xiaoping, a strongman who has moved aggressively to assert and consolidate power while promoting a cult of personality.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2014
Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters retrench after talks with government falter
Hundreds of student activists camped overnight in major protest sites in Hong Kong as the democracy movement showed signs of regathering momentum after the government called off talks with its leaders to defuse unrest in the global financial hub.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Oct 9, 2014
Expectations mount in Japan for Abe-Xi meeting
Expectations are growing in Japan that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping for an ice-breaking chat next month, while an aide signaled that Abe may postpone visits to the war-linked Yasukuni Shrine that have infuriated Beijing in the past.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 8, 2014
Abe meets with Chinese official who has ties to Xi
A visiting senior Chinese official known for her close ties with President Xi Jinping met briefly with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, according to the the top government spokesman in Tokyo.
Japan Times
Oct 7, 2014
Pockets of Hong Kong protesters may defy student leaders
With Hong Kong's student-led protests dwindling and rally leaders in talks to end their 12-day campaign, a small number of demonstrators are threatening to ignore any call to abandon their posts.
Japan Times
Oct 6, 2014
In Hong Kong, police take a page from protests in Cairo, Kiev
Police around the world, who once routinely handled demonstrations such as Hong Kong's pro-democracy protests with batons and tear gas, face new dilemmas in an age when dissident crowds are armed with smartphones, Facebook and Twitter.
Japan Times
Oct 6, 2014
Chinese troops are waiting in the wings in Hong Kong drama
Maj. Gen. Tan Benhong, the commander of the People's Liberation Army in Hong Kong, was a picture of uniformed calm as he shared champagne toasts with Chinese officials on Wednesday at local celebrations marking China's national day.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2014
Hong Kong student protest movement struggles to communicate with the government — and its own followers
To catch a glimpse of the ragtag group of students going eyeball to eyeball with the Chinese government, peek inside a room on the ninth floor of the Legislative Council building in downtown Hong Kong.
Oct 4, 2014
Beijing at crossroads with H.K. protests
China views the fate of Hong Kong as a purely internal affair. But how its leaders resolve the ongoing confrontation on the streets of the former British colony will determine China's external reputation for years to come.
Japan Times
Oct 4, 2014
Hong Kong's luxury retailers lose sales as protests mar 'Golden Week' holiday
Pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have disrupted business and hit share prices of luxury goods companies, ruining what is normally one of the busiest shopping weeks of the year.
Oct 3, 2014
Hong Kong's Tiananmen moment challenging leadership in Beijing
Hong Kong's leaders have failed to let Beijing understand that, almost without exception, the leading Hong Kong politicians are good Chinese patriots.
Oct 3, 2014
Structure self with propriety, Confucius said
When President Xi Jinping addressed the International Confucian Association to mark the 2,565th anniversary of the birth of Confucius, he did not remind listeners that Mao Zedong had launched a nationwide campaign to flame the philosopher.
Japan Times
Oct 3, 2014
Problem with President Xi
Chinese President Xi JInping has insisted he won't tolerate any concessions to the calls for electoral and governmental reform now being made in mass demonstrations in Hong Kong. The analogy with the Tiananmen tragedy is now widely made.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2014
Activist Hong Kong academics allege death threats, intimidation
Some academics at the forefront of Hong Kong's fight for more democracy say they have become targets of death threats or other intimidation as the former British colony remains nearly paralyzed by the biggest protests since it returned to Chinese rule in 1997.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2014
Divided Chinese eye Hong Kong protests with admiration, anger
For some mainland Chinese in Hong Kong, the sight of thousands of people on the streets protesting for greater democracy is an alien one that has prompted comparisons with the relative lack of political freedom back home.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2014
U.S. takes cautious line in response to Hong Kong protests
The United States is carefully calibrating its response to pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong, showing support for peaceful protests while signaling it has little interest in seeing the situation escalate and risk a harsher crackdown by Chinese authorities.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2014
Student generation fuels Hong Kong's 'umbrella movement'
They are dubbed the "umbrella generation" — teenaged students who have stormed the streets of Hong Kong in their tens of thousands and electrified a long-running protest campaign against Beijing's attempts to control the financial hub.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Sep 30, 2014
Economic benefits have China, South Korea reconsidering strained ties with Japan
Expectations that rapprochement may benefit their economies have prompted China and South Korea to reconsider their strained relations with Japan, but obstacles still need to be cleared before Prime Minister Shinzo Abe can hold his first summit talks with their leaders.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2014
China censors target Hong Kong protests, but don't always succeed
Chinese censors and opponents of the protests sweeping Hong Kong are engaging in a cat-and-mouse game with demonstrators and commentators in a bid to stop news of the unrest spreading online and, in particular, reaching the mainland.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan