Tag - uk-brexit



Aug 11, 2016
Reappraising Japan-U.K. ties
As it prepares to exit the EU, Britain needs a prosperous and politically stable Japan more than ever.
WORLD / Politics
Aug 11, 2016
EU nations' red lines for Brexit: a first look
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May faces a daunting array of demands from European Union nations when the time comes to negotiate Britain's relationship with the bloc, an analysis of the 27 other members shows.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2016
Nissan says Brexit deal will determine future U.K. plant investment: report
The chief executive of carmaker Nissan said future investment decisions about Britain's biggest car plant will depend on the terms of a Brexit deal struck with the European Union on customs, trade and free movement of goods.
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2016
Britain's Tories are now in a class of their own
Theresa May has begun her premiership with her Conservative Party in its strongest position in more than a quarter of a century.
Aug 3, 2016
Just how divided is Britain?
Digital empowerment has led to the creation of two powerful but opposing forces: an impulse to be connected across borders and a desire for more local control.
Japan Times
Aug 3, 2016
The future of globalism stands at a crossroads
Japan must make efforts to fortify the crumbling foundation of globalism.
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2016
Saving EU's freedom of movement
The EU will disintegrate if it doesn't change its migration rules that have made it a welfare magnet for economic migrants.
Aug 1, 2016
Brexit vote demonstrated the power of the old
Seniors have a unique set of interests and understanding of economic trade-offs — all of which policymakers ignore at their peril.
Jul 29, 2016
Ireland plans for 'soft border' with U.K. after Brexit
Ireland is planning a system of electronic border surveillance that it hopes will prevent it having to erect physical barriers with Northern Ireland when Britain leaves the European Union, its customs service said on Thursday.
Japan Times
Jul 26, 2016
A tale of two Brexit impacts
Brexit's shockwaves will impact Japan and China in different ways.
Jul 25, 2016
Brexit doesn't doom the Japan-U.K. partnership
Japan should be aggressive in trying to shape post-Brexit trade relations with Britain.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 25, 2016
Government keeps assessment of economy but cuts view on business sentiment
The government retained on Monday its assessment that Japan's economy is recovering moderately but adopted a weaker view on corporate sentiment due to a firming yen and Britain's vote to leave the European Union.
Japan Times
Jul 24, 2016
Group of 20 hopes for close partnership between Britain, EU
The Group of 20 finance chiefs vowed Sunday to use "all policy tools" to pursue growth as Britain's decision last month to leave the European Union adds to the uncertainty in the global economy amid terrorism and other challenges.
Japan Times
Jul 24, 2016
FTAs easier said than done
The Britons who pushed for Brexit misled voters by telling them that free trade was an easy and speedy option.
Jul 24, 2016
Let's be frank: Britain's future is not in Europe
Those who put their faith and trust in the European Union will also ultimately find that it is an illusion.
Japan Times
Jul 23, 2016
BOJ's Kuroda says to ease again if necessary to hit 2 percent price goal
Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda said Saturday he would ease policy further if necessary to achieve its 2 percent inflation goal, while reiterating a commitment to continue with the current stimulus until prices are anchored there.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 21, 2016
Japan plans ¥20 trillion stimulus package to shore up economy, brace for Brexit
The Japanese government is arranging to compile a stimulus package of at least ¥20 trillion ($188 billion) to help the domestic economy emerge from deflation and fend off the possible adverse effects of Brexit, sources said Wednesday.
Jul 20, 2016
G-20 finance chiefs expected to put 'all policy tools' on the table after Brexit vote
Finance chiefs of the world's 20 leading economies are expected to vow further cooperation this weekend to ensure economic and market stability after Britain voted to leave the European Union last month.
Jul 20, 2016
IMF scraps growth forecast amid Brexit uncertainty, top economist warns against 'popular' rants against markets
The International Monetary Fund scrapped its forecast for a pickup in global growth this year, citing Britain's vote to leave the European Union, and warned the damage could worsen if confidence falters among investors and companies.
Jul 17, 2016
Scotland is determined to retain its EU status
Scotland is European, and it needs EU membership to flourish.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan