Tag - u-s-protests



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 22, 2014
In Kiev, snipers turn protest area into battlefield
It only takes one word for people on Independence Square to dash for cover: "Sniper!"
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 22, 2014
Yanukovych faces pressure from powerful oligarch backers
Marooned among empty seats in the Ukrainian parliament, Vadim Novinsky broke with the ruling Party of Regions and voted in favor of a bill condemning the violence that has left dozens dead in Kiev during a week of bloodshed.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 21, 2014
Russia ponders next steps over conflict next door
A Ukrainian protester lobs a burning gasoline bomb into a doorway. A police officer writhes in agony on the ground. Smoke and flames rise from burning barricades in Kiev.
WORLD / Politics
Feb 21, 2014
Western city of Lviv declares independence
Opponents of Ukraine's president declared political autonomy in the major western city of Lviv on Wednesday after a night of violence that saw protesters seize public buildings and force police to surrender.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 21, 2014
Obama's 'red line' on Ukraine draws derision
President Barack Obama's stern warning to Ukrainian officials Wednesday was the closest thing to a "red line" moment he has had since his threat in 2012 to act against the Syrian government if it deployed chemical weapons.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 19, 2014
Singh seeks India votes with 29th state as opponents vow fight
India's lower house moved to create a new state in the south to resolve a 50-year dispute, risking unrest where Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp. have their offices as the ruling Congress party seeks votes before elections.
Feb 17, 2014
Color-coding won't explain mess in Thailand
Recent developments in Thailand may put paid to the international media's tendency to make sense of the protests by describing the 'red shirts' as representing the poor and the 'yellow shirts' as the elite.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 2, 2014
Thai election ends peacefully; results face protester delay
Thais voted in a controversial general election Sunday that was generally free of violence, but the official results will be delayed by voting difficulties in some parts of the country.
Japan Times
Jan 28, 2014
Ukraine PM offers to resign
Ukraine's prime minister offered his resignation Tuesday to help bring about an end to more than two months of street protests that turned deadly last week and have taken over government buildings across the nation.
Jan 16, 2014
Putin PR hides woes in 2014
The Kremlin's dismay at the scale and longevity of protests in Moscow and other cities, following the fraudulent election in December 2011, is forcing Putin to find new ways to shore up his presidency.
Jan 3, 2014
Has the world hit the end of the end of history?
Almost 25 years after the intellectual and political collapse of communism, another — and by far grander — narrative of promised progress is unraveling: that of liberal capitalism.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Dec 28, 2013
Protester charged over Diet shoe toss
A protester has been indicted for hurling a shoe at the floor of the House of Councilors during deliberations on the state secrecy law just before it was enacted earlier this month.
Japan Times
Dec 27, 2013
Okinawa base foes protest governor's OK of offshore fill work for Futenma replacement
Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima's approval Friday of the start of offshore fill work for building an airstrip to replace U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma angered people opposed to the base to the point that around 1,000 protesters forced their way into the prefectural office and staged a sit-in.
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2013
Car bomb kills 15, injures scores in northern Egypt
A car packed with explosives detonated outside a security headquarters building in this city north of Cairo early Tuesday, killing 15 people and wounding more than 130 in one of the deadliest militant attacks in Egypt in years.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 20, 2013
Putin to pardon tycoon Khodorkovsky ahead of Olympics
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that he intends to pardon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, his country's most famous political prisoner, in a broad amnesty that comes just weeks before the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 16, 2013
Two U.S. senators vow support in Ukraine
A showdown between Russia on one side and the United States and the European Union on the other drew closer Sunday, as two American senators told a crowd of hundreds of thousands of protesters that Ukraine's future lies to the west, not east.
Japan Times
Dec 15, 2013
Anti-apartheid movement recalls struggle
Key figures in the British anti-apartheid movement have spoken of their sadness at the death of Nelson Mandela, whom they described as a reluctant poster boy of a campaign that ended up focusing the world's attention on the horrors of apartheid South Africa.
WORLD / Politics
Dec 13, 2013
In Ukraine, skepticism greets new vow on European Union
The European Union's top diplomat told reporters in Brussels on Thursday that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych had "made it clear to me that he intends to sign" a trade agreement with the bloc. But protesters weren't buying it and spent the day bolstering the five formidable barricades of snow and...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 9, 2013
Ukraine throngs now demand systemic change
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians filled the streets of Kiev on Sunday — no longer focused solely on a trade agreement with the European Union, but now also looking to recast their country's frayed and corrupt political system.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Dec 4, 2013
Russian deals handcuff U.S. on Ukraine
As Ukraine turns away from closer relations with the European Union and further into the embrace of Russia, the Obama administration is saying little about it or the resulting street protests for fear of provoking a fracture with the Kremlin.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan