Tag - thailand



Japan Times
Jun 14, 2013
Hokkaido aims to lure tourists from Thailand for spring break
Hokkaido has been stepping up efforts to attract foreign tourists during its off-season period in spring and is currently zeroing in on Thailand, where the holiday season starts in March and continues through May.
Jun 11, 2013
Plan OK'd to lure Southeast Asia guests
The government signs off on a plan to more than double the number of visitors from Southeast Asia to 2 million in 2016.
Japan Times
Apr 5, 2013
Yingluck seeks constitutional change amid court challenge
Thai lawmakers moved to change parts of the country's military-backed constitution after its highest court agreed to hear a case that may block them from doing so, signaling a renewed round of political tension.
Japan Times
Feb 18, 2013
Cobra Gold 2013 holds evacuation drill in Thailand for Japanese
As part of this year's Cobra Gold multinational military exercise, a drill to practice the emergency evacuation and transportation of Japanese nationals during humanitarian crises was held Sunday at the beach resort of Pattaya, on Thailand's coast.
Feb 12, 2013
Asia-Pacific military exercise kicks off in northern Thailand
A large-scale military training exercise began Monday in northern Thailand involving 13,000 personnel from the United States and six Asian countries — Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the host nation.


The Japanese government updated its English education guidelines in 2017 to emphasize communication over grammar and memorization. Public school teachers are incredibly busy, however, which means schools haven’t been able to implement changes uniformly. Private and alternative schools are attempting to remedy this.
The language of opportunity: Bilingual education is on the rise in Japan