Tag - technology-2



Aug 17, 2014
Japan plans fund to develop military technology with universities
The Defense Ministry plans to set up a fund to develop military technology by aiding research projects at universities and other civilian institutions.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jul 17, 2014
Ghosn promises self-parking cars, traffic-jam pilots by end of 2016
Nissan Motor Corp. will introduce cars featuring an automatic parking system and traffic-jam pilot within the next year and a half, President and CEO Carlos Ghosn said Thursday in Tokyo.
Jul 17, 2014
Japan, Britain to join forces to research missile technology
Japan and Britain plan to collaborate on researching technology for air-to-air missiles that could one day be loaded on the F-35 stealth fighter jets to be acquired and operated by the Air Self-Defense Force, Japanese government sources said Wednesday.
Jun 27, 2014
Legal tussle over parental ties
Japan's Supreme Court next month is scheduled to hear two cases that challenge the traditional legal presumption of a father-child relationship when DNA test results deny the existence of blood ties.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jun 23, 2014
Apps help parents control kids' mobile devices
Parents struggling to get their children away from smartphones and tablets for meals, homework, exercise and other activities can arm themselves with new apps to remotely block access to the devices.
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2014
Advances in robotics present singular worry
'Singularity' is an odd word. Originally it meant peculiarity. Then 20th-century physicists got hold of it and situated it at the very boundary of space-time, to the eternal bafflement of the lay mind.
Jun 17, 2014
A requiem for technocracy
Now that science's postwar charisma has faded, politicians are debating the safety of genetically modified foods, the hazards of extracting shale oil and gas, and the impact of global warming without regard for scientific evidence — as if the issues were morality plays.
LIFE / Digital
Jun 13, 2014
Google Glass headsets find their way into the doctor's surgery
Google's futuristic eyeglasses are finding their way into hospitals and clinics throughout the United States.
Jun 5, 2014
Forget self-driving cars, make me a cyborg
A finance professor and sci-fi fan thinks that the next big technology is 'cyborg technology' but that the press is ignoring it. It will include a number of health care technologies involving the integration of living tissue with engineered machinery.
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2014
Firms seek to tap into Israeli startups
More Japanese companies are looking at the Israeli startup market in search of innovative technologies and investments to beef up their businesses, although they lag far behind the buyout sprees of global tech giants such as Google Inc. and Apple Inc.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Feb 20, 2014
Cracking the code of computer education
Last week, my inbox began to fill up with angry emails. Had I seen the dreadful/unbelievable/disgraceful/hilarious (delete as appropriate) "Newsnight" interview with Lottie Dexter? I hadn't, and as I'd never heard of Ms. Dexter, I wasn't unduly bothered. After all, life is too short to watch every edition...
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2014
Organic lights hold promise of softer glow
Cost-efficient and eco-friendly, lights powered by light-emitting diodes are taking off but may soon be upstaged by their organic cousins.
Jan 28, 2014
At last, Yale surrenders to technology
Yale University ran up the white flag last week in its battle to keep twin seniors Peter Xu and Harry Yu from creating an easier-to-use and more informative version of its online course catalog. As the school's real battle was against technological change, defeat was inevitable.
Jan 14, 2014
Economic inequality by the click
Free markets are expected to distribute the fruits of some new technologies in dramatically unequal ways. Will the relative losers, satiated by computer games and Internet entertainment, and provided with the basics of a minimally acceptable life, be too docile to revolt?
Jan 12, 2014
Stories that enable us to make sense of our lives
How are we to make sense of ourselves and the world if not by reading stories? For isn't this how we've talked to ourselves — soothed, stimulated and improved ourselves — for thousands of years?
Japan Times
Jan 12, 2014
Display technologies set to turn heads in cars and windows
From smartphones and high-definition TVs to digital displays, display technology has advanced in leaps and bounds to become ubiquitous the world over.
Japan Times
Dec 29, 2013
Education in 2013: an 'A' for ambition, but Japan will have to do better
Will 2014 be the year we start to see a genuinely forward-thinking, globalized outlook for education in Japan? The rapidly changing global economy, regional tensions and shrinking population suggest huge challenges await the country's youth on their emergence into the job market in the coming years.
Dec 28, 2013
Nuclear pact talks to start with Saudis
The Abe administration will launch talks with Saudi Arabia next spring to conclude a nuclear power pact and allow Japanese businesses to export atomic-related infrastructure to the oil-rich nation.
Japan Times
Dec 2, 2013
Shinkansen tested on Hokuriku line for '15 opening
A test run was carried out Monday in the newly built Hokuriku Shinkansen Line — an extension of the Nagano Shinkansen Line — that will begin operations in spring 2015, linking the cities of Nagano and Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Japan Times
Nov 15, 2013
Lamborghini sets up shop at NITech
Nagoya Institute of Technology in Aichi Prefecture has teamed up with Lamborghini SpA on finding a way to mass produce carbon fiber-reinforced plastic so the light yet durable material can be applied to products other than cars and planes.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan