Tag - physics



Japan Times
Nov 8, 2013
Engineer devises tiny optical sensor after Nobel triumph
Hiroyuki Kyushima, an engineer at Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. who helped create a particle detector that enabled physicist Masatoshi Koshiba to win the Nobel Prize in physics in 2002, has developed an ultra-small photomultiplier tube together with his fellow workers.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Sep 13, 2013
Giant camera hunts for dark energy
With the whir of a giant digital camera, the biggest mystery in the universe is about to become a bit less mysterious.
Japan Times
Jun 23, 2013
Modern science needs to reject 'fairy tales,' get a grip on reality
At an interdisciplinary gathering of academics discussing the concept of time, I once heard a scientist tell the assembled humanities scholars that physics can now replace all their woolly notions of time with one that is unique, precise and true. Such scientism is rightly undermined by theoretical physicist...
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 4, 2013
Data from space bolsters theory of dark matter
The first results from a $2 billion instrument aboard the International Space Station offer tentative support for the theory that exotic dark matter, invisible but abundant, permeates the universe.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 23, 2013
'Baby picture' of universe backs, upsets theories
Cosmologists have released the most detailed "baby picture" yet of the early universe, a portrait that helps answer some of the deepest scientific questions while providing enough surprises to keep researchers busy for years.
Mar 5, 2013
A chance to host linear collider
The government and science community should encourate discussions on bringing the International Linear Collider to Japan as public support is indispensable for this expensive project.


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