Tag - pesek



Jan 18, 2014
Kim Jong Un's $5 trillion price worth unification's benefits
As Park Geun-hye searches for ways to compete with China and Japan, the South Korean president is eyeing a rather surprising ally: Kim Jong Un.
Jan 11, 2014
Did Soros just predict an economic crash in China?
George Soros probably shouldn't expect any warm invitations to Beijing — not with the much-reviled short seller warning of a giant Chinese crash.
Nov 23, 2013
Japan's yakuza woes return to the silver screen
Hollywood has long fetishized Japanese gangsters, with their full-body tattoos, missing pinkies and harems of buxom groupies. Ever since Sydney Pollack's "The Yakuza" in 1974, the colorful mafiosi have provided regular fodder for directors including Ridley Scott and Quentin Tarantino.
Japan Times
Nov 2, 2013
China mimics worst of 'Abenomics' at worst time
If imitation really is the greatest form of flattery, Shinzo Abe should be thrilled the Chinese are copying his "Abenomics" strategy to excite investors. The rest of the world shouldn't be. China isn't cribbing the prime minister's actual blueprint, but his formula of spin and hype that has convinced the world something that doesn't yet exist is real. The key to a great ad campaign is attracting customers and keeping them, something Abe has done with a brilliance that could teach the Edelman public relations firm a thing or two.
Oct 26, 2013
Branding Japan: Not always onward and upward
Branding is not an exact science. Take for example the recent campaign by Fukushima Industries to launch a new consumer-friendly corporate mascot.
Japan Times
Oct 13, 2013
Straitjacket Japan could use more brawling billionaires to lead the way
Japan is being treated to a juicy spectacle as two of its richest and most innovative entrepreneurs brawl in public over Internet market share and visions for the future. But what's most important about the fight between Masayoshi Son and Hiroshi Mikitani is the example it's setting.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree