Tag - life-of-pi



Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Feb 21, 2013
Opinion divided on life term without parole
A 44-year-old man serving a life sentence in a prison in the Chugoku region believes that continuing to live a respectable life is the only atonement he can make for the families of the two people he killed.
Feb 11, 2013
Consequences of teens' living for the camera
Growing up in front of a camera has planted the seeds of some seriously scary consequences for kids with regard to what they want most in life today.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2013
'Life of Pi'
Director Ang Lee's adaptation of author Yann Martel's Man Booker Prize-winning "Life of Pi" feels almost like two films sandwiched into one. In the core, you have the succulent special-effects-driven story of a young Indian survivor of a shipwreck who's adrift in a lifeboat with a man-eating Bengal tiger. Yet wrapped around that is a deeply fried New Age-y/spiritual parable about "finding God."
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2013
'Pi' among 'unfilmable' books conquered at last on the screen
There are certain novels they say just can't be filmed, but guess what? Most of them have been. "Dune"? "Naked Lunch"? "The Virgin Suicides"? "The 120 Days of Sodom"? "Ulysses"? All done — "Ulysses" twice, even.
Reader Mail
Dec 18, 2011
Shame on the whale killers
Regarding David McNeill's Dec. 11 article, "Tohoku ¥ for whales?": I was in tears for the Japanese tsunami victims, and I donated a large amount of money that I could not really afford because their suffering was unbearable.
Reader Mail
Nov 20, 2011
For whom the student toils
This is an open letter to education minister Masaharu Nakagawa:
Reader Mail
Nov 6, 2011
Challenge of population growth
How appropriate it felt to read United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's clarion call for action in the Oct. 31 front-page article, "Global population's 7 billion mark could be a year off the symbolic date."
Apr 12, 2011
Reconstruction after the disaster
A month has passed since the massive quake and tsunami on March 11 devastated the pacific coastal area of the Tohoku region. Some 13,000 people perished and about 14,500 people are missing. Some 148,000 evacuees remain at temporary shelters. It is unlikely that the crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant will end in the foreseeable future.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
May 14, 2010
No Konbini No Life: instant maze-soba
Maze-soba is the latest ramen trend to make it to konbeni shelves. If you're desperate, it might hit the spot but there's nothing like the real thing.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Feb 25, 2010
Baum cake blitz
Baumkuchen, known as the 'king of cakes,' can be had for pittance at Muji, and its konbeni partner, Family Mart.
Reader Mail
Dec 20, 2009
No outlet for youthful aggression
Regarding the Dec. 13 editorial, "An education in violence": It doesn't take a Harvard economist to know that the peak of physical strength begins in middle school and much of this has no outlet for release. A highly regimented society like Japan only forces everyone to come out like straitjacketed sausages. If Japan had a history of true pacifism, I would suggest a two- or three-year conscription period starting in middle school, but because of Japan's war atrocities and perceived lack of remorse for them, that would only invite suspicion from neighbors. . . . Not even Bushido, the tea ceremony or traditional arts can contain this (youthful) aggression. shui bin chen
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Oct 13, 2009
All the leaves are brown . . . and the chips are purple
Japanese food is about the seasonal freshness, even when it comes to convenience store snacks such as Calbee's Jagabee purple potato snacks.
Jul 6, 2009
Price of centralized power
MOSCOW — The emergence of a Kremlin leader, President Dmitry Medvedev, without a KGB background, combined with the economic crisis, has inspired talk that when Barack Obama visits Moscow this week, America's president will be seeing a country on the verge of a new political thaw, a revived perestroika. But pushing the "reset button" on U.S.-Russia relations may be harder than Obama and his team imagined.
Feb 3, 2009
For a stronger safety net
As economic conditions worsen and an increasing number of workers, especially irregularly employed workers, lose their jobs, it is becoming urgent that the government strengthen the social safety net.
Reader Mail
Jun 26, 2008
A name for indentured servitude
Why are letters like Brian Clacey's on June 22, "Give guest workers a set contract," even published? Xenophobe Clacey does not live in Japan and his ideas are appallingly ignorant and selfish. Why not just call "fixed contracts" indentured servitude coupled with expulsion — should the foreign worker become injured or ill, demand that the law uphold their legal rights, or threaten to sully the pure Yamato bloodline? These are not reasonable opinions, but unwanted, intrusive rants. bruce collins
Reader Mail
Apr 13, 2008
Critical issue is free speech
The author of the letter "Better to stay home than dis the flag" obviously does not understand the foremost point of the protest by teachers in Tokyo and the rest of Japan.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree