Tag - japanese-architecture



Japan Times
Dec 11, 2014
Taking flight with Arata Isozaki
I once almost got to interview the architect Arata Isozaki, but it was canceled due to his ill health at the time. No doubt a consideration in the cancelation was the fact that interviews with him can go to extreme lengths, as Isozaki has much to tell, having collaborated with almost every big name in postwar Japan — and not just architects, but also artists, musicians and other creative types.
Japan Times
Dec 11, 2014
'Architecture for Dogs'
Despite dogs being "man's best friend," we rarely design our world around the happiness of our pets.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / ON: ARCHITECTURE
Nov 28, 2014
Hadid remains at the center of controversy
Exhibitions can have consequences, often unintended.
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2014
A modern annex for an old favorite
I always feel a little inadequate arriving at the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, shambling up its gravel drive in my slovenly journalist garb and running one hand over my face to check if I've shaved that day. It's such an elegant venue that I feel I really should be arriving in more style, possibly driven in a classic Rolls Royce or done up in a rented tuxedo.
Japan Times
Nov 27, 2014
Toyo Ito literally connects architecture to the people
"For the past nine years, it's been a struggling journey — groping toward an unseen goal. Nobody could tell how and when this building would settle into the right shape within the budget," architect Toyo Ito said at the Oct. 16 opening of "Toyo Ito: The Making of the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House 2005-2014" at Toto Gallery Ma.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces