Tag - g7-taro-aso



Japan Times
Apr 15, 2016
G-20 confirms excessive currency moves undesirable: Aso
Finance chiefs from the Group of 20 economies agreed Thursday that excessive moves in exchange rates are undesirable, according to Finance Minister Taro Aso, who added that the global economy still faces downside risks.
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 5, 2016
Japan to front-load budgetary spending this summer
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe instructs his ministers to front-load spending earmarked in the fiscal 2016 budget in the six months to September.
Feb 29, 2016
The high price of Japan's economic gaffes
Finance minister Taro Aso's ability to survive repeated gaffes shows how little has changed under Abenomics.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Feb 12, 2016
Aso jawbones markets as yen climb puts cloud over Abenomics
Japanese officials stepped up their expressions of concern about a soaring yen as the currency's renewed strength threatened to undermine the government's Abenomics program for reviving the economy.
Feb 2, 2016
FSA to monitor effects of negative interest rate on banks, Aso says
Finance Minister Taro Aso said Tuesday the government will monitor what the effects of the Bank of Japan's negative interest rate policy on financial institutions.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2016
Aso claims 2017 tax hike will 'certainly' go through
Finance Minister Taro Aso said in his new year policy speech Friday that he will "certainly" go through with the second stage of the consumption tax hike to 10 percent in April 2017 to secure international trust in Japan's efforts to return to fiscal health.
Dec 11, 2015
Government unlikely to detail revenue-recovery plan for sales tax hike exemptions: Aso
The government and ruling parties do not plan to specify ways to make up for a state revenue loss as a result of a lower tax rate on certain foods when the sales tax is hiked in 2017, Finance Minister Taro Aso indicated Friday.
Japan Times
Dec 8, 2015
Politicians launch support group for new men's basketball circuit
A group of nearly two dozen Diet members launched a basketball-supporting parliamentarians' association and held its kickoff meeting on Tuesday at the members' office buildings of the House of Councilors in Tokyo's Nagatacho district.
Nov 13, 2015
Abe to tout economic measures at G-20 talks
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will promote the government's measures to prop up the flagging economy, including overdue projects pushing structural reforms, at the G-20 meeting over the weekend, Japanese officials said.
BUSINESS / Economy
Oct 17, 2015
Aso says BOJ unlikely to expand easing for now
The central bank is unlikely to expand its unprecedented economic stimulus for now, Finance Minister Taro Aso said, citing a surplus of money in the economy and weak domestic demand.
Japan Times
Oct 16, 2015
In first business dialogue, firms hit back at government call to invest their profits
In the first of a planned series of monthly meetings, the government on Friday urged business leaders to boost capital investment at a time when indications are the economy is teetering on recession.
BUSINESS / Economy
Oct 9, 2015
G-20 addresses global risks amid China slowdown
Finance chiefs from the Group of 20 industrialized countries on Thursday discussed the need to contain downside risks facing the global economy by enhancing domestic demand and expanding employment.
Sep 5, 2015
Japan, U.S. agree to work toward early conclusion of TPP trade pact
Finance Minister Taro Aso and U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew have agreed that their governments should work on concluding a sweeping Pacific free trade pact at an early date, according to the two governments.
Aug 25, 2015
Aso says China policies stirring concerns in markets
After the yen surged the most since 1998 amid a deepening sell-off in global stocks, Finance Minister Taro Aso criticized China's recent intervention in financial markets.
Aug 7, 2015
G-7 finance chiefs to meet in Sendai in May 2016
The Group of Seven finance ministers' meeting planned in the city of Sendai next year will be held on May 20 and 21, Finance Minister Taro Aso said Friday.
Jul 7, 2015
Finance Ministry appoints Kazuho Tanaka as top bureaucrat
The Finance Ministry on Tuesday announced a reshuffle of its senior officials, with Budget Bureau chief Kazuho Tanaka becoming the top bureaucrat at what is effectively the most powerful government office in Japan.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Jul 6, 2015
Tokyo watching Greek developments closely to guard against market volatility
Japanese policymakers on Monday pledged to work closely to guard against financial market volatility after Greek voters rejected eurozone austerity measures.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2015
Japan, China finance chief agree to promote infrastructure development in Asia
At the first meeting of their finance ministers in over three years, Tokyo and Beijing agreed Saturday to work together where possible to facilitate infrastructure development in Asia.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2015
Why Japan should, or shouldn't, join the China-led AIIB
When Finance Minister Taro Aso meets with his Chinese counterpart, Lou Jiwei, in Beijing on Saturday, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will loom large in the talks.
BUSINESS / Markets
May 29, 2015
Volatile forex movements undesirable, Aso, Lew agree
The Japanese and U.S. finance chiefs agreed Thursday that volatile movements in foreign exchange markets are undesirable in the wake of the recent fall of the yen's value against the dollar to a 12½-year low.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan