Slovenia’s Janja Ganbret took the women’s title in the debut Olympic sport climbing competition after dominant performances in the bouldering and lead competitions, edging out Japanese hopefuls Miho Nonaka, who took silver, and Akiyo Noguchi, who won bronze.

In the speed climbing section of the competition, Aleksandra Miroslaw set a new world record in women’s speed climbing with a time of 6.84 seconds to place first. Nonaka and Noguchi placed third and fourth, respectively, giving each other a big hug after competing against each other in the third/fourth place run off.

"I've been waiting to break the record. I have come close many times, and so I am very happy to have done it at the Olympic Games,” said Miroslaw, who won the speed climbing world championships in 2018 and 2019. “This was the best place to do it, at the Olympics.”