Regarding the story "T Card customer data handed to police and prosecutors without court approval" in the Jan. 21 edition, so very shocking, not.

We live in a Big Brother society today. There are surveillance cameras and spies everywhere. It's our version of "1984," "The Truman Show," and "Brave New World" all rolled into one.

The Amish were smart to opt out of the modern technologically advanced world and stick with no electricity along with no gasoline powered machines, no electronics, etc.

Living the 18th-century lifestyle in the 21st century makes more sense all the time these days.

Still, satellites and drones can even keep an eye on the Amish and track their movements, perhaps listen in on farm conversations.

Welcome to George Orwell's nightmare. What will society be like in 2100 when all humans are walking around with a data gathering computer chip implanted in their bodies?



The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.