The most effective measure to reduce gropers is the "heart."

Regarding "JR to install cameras on Yamanote Line trains" in the June 8 edition, some people are applauding this implementation because they think it could reduce the gropers. But I have my doubts. For one, in a crowded train cameras would only be able to monitor people's heads.

There are a host of discussions on the internet about methods to solve this problem. Some say the railway companies should use more women-only cars or even provide men-only cars, but it's too retrograde to divide males and females into two spaces like feudal society. Some say installing more cameras would be judicious, but some passengers will consider it an infringement of their privacy.

To conclude, there is no perfect tactic to eradicate this notorious phenomenon. The only true doorway to dislodge this nuisance is the morals and ethics of the gropers. They should stop stretching their baleful hands of their own accord. Maybe my conclusion will be criticized, but the most effective measure to reduce gropers is within their own heart — the heart to respect ladies and the heart to respect gentlemen.



The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.