Covering the catastrophic series of events that began with the magnitude 9, Great East Japan Earthquake and the tsunami it triggered on March 11, 2011, it is one of the most revealing and insightful books published in Japan in the past decade.

Seeing as it deals with the greatest crisis that this country has faced — and still faces every day — since the end of World War II in 1945, this is also a work that begs to be translated into many languages.

Published in paperback by Gentosha in October last year, "Tōden Fukushima Genpatsu Jiko Sōri Toshite Kangaeta Koto" ("My Thoughts as Prime Minister on the Tepco Fukushima Nuclear Plant Accident"), the book is a highly revealing document of those events as witnessed and written by the person at the very center of decision-making in Japan, the prime minister at the time, Naoto Kan.